On any given day during the summer, there are usually about 30 ice cream sandwiches in my freezer. If it gets below 10 I start to panic and make about 100 more just in case. They are a huge hit with everyone (especially my husband)! The best part about these is that you can make them with any flavor or combination you like.

Ice Cream Sandwiches
Ingredients for Vanilla ice cream:
- 8 large egg yolks
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 2 cups skim milk
- 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
- 2 cups heavy cream
Ice Cream
In a medium saucepan off the heat, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and salt until blended. Whisk in the skim milk until blended.
With a wooden spoon, cook the egg mixture over medium heat until thickens (usually about 8 minutes). Draw your finger down the spoon and if it leaves a line that doesn't run together, it is ready.
Pour this custard through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl. Stir the heavy cream. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap (have the plastic touch the custard so it doesn't form a skin). Chill this in the fridge for a few hours until cool.
When ready, pour the custard into an ice cream maker and churn until ready. When it is finished, put it in the back of your freezer and let it harden completely.
For the Cookies, just make your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe and let them cool completely!
When the cookies are cooled and the ice cream has been hardening in the freezer, you are ready to assemble! To make the whole business a much smoother assembly line, I pre-cut all the tin foil and match up all the same size cookies. You will also need an ice cream scoop and a knife for smoothing and filling.
Put a full scoop of ice cream on the bottom of a cookie. You want this to be a really packed scoop so each sandwich has a nice thick layer in between. Using your knife, lightly press the ice cream down to a disc shape, filling in any gaps around the size with more ice cream. Put the cookie top on and again use the knife to fill in any gaps. You want the ice cream to be filled all the way to the edge of the cookies.
Wrap it up in the foil and put it in the back of your freezer so it gets really cold and hard again. When you are ready, just take them out and eat!!
This kid hung around while I was making the cookies….I wonder why??
Here are some really good cookie/ice cream combinations:
chocolate chip cookie/vanilla ice cream
chocolate chip cookie/coffee ice cream
sugar cookie/strawberry ice cream
ginger snap cookie/pumpkin ice cream
chocolate cookie/mint ice cream
The combination possibilities are endless! What would your favorite combination be?
Questions? Comments? I’d love to hear from you!